Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Waffeln - oder besser gesagt "waffles"

Herr Kuechenschabe ist der Meister der waffles und pancakes. Er wird das Rezept posten, in englisch da sein Deutsch noch nicht ausreicht fuer diesen Blog. Aber die wichtigsten Worte kennt er schon, wie, Schlamassel, Hans Dampf Nudeldrucker und laestig's Wimmerl!

First of all, forget all the drivel about my limited German....let's talk about something important, like waffles. The first thing you will need is a good waffle iron. We've gone through many types and brands from those huge four-plex 1950 "Buick Hood" models to the fu-fu teflon Belgian models that, when greased up, slip out of your fingers like a pumkin seed, and shatter their plastic cases on the floor. We finally settled on a 1930's Lancaster found at Toaster Central. This is a great website and they rebuild all the old good stuff. His basic recipe from The Practical Cook Book by Florence Austin Chase (1915) is:
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspooon salt
Sift these ingredients if you have a sifter and the patience. I never do--just use the whisk. Then combine the following liquids:
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs (well beaten)
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
Florence further instructs: "In a medium bowl with a wire whisk, mix the dry ingredients. In a large bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Gradually add dry mixture to the wet, beating until well blended. Batter should be about the same consistency as a medium thick pancake batter. Add more flour to thicken or more milk to thin."

OK, here's Mr. Kitchen Roach's suggestions: Never count the calories....these waffles will not be health food--in fact, you want to add whipped cream at the end to help them slip down. The basic recipe is half flour and half milk (adjust either to find your favorite consistancy). Both ingredients are essential--use good fresh organic milk and any flour you like (wheat germ, etc.). For oil, we use peanut oil--it's high fat but resists smoking/sticking--good for high heat cooking. Beware of peanut allergies. All the other stuff you can tweak to taste. Baking powder is an instant leavening agent and to increase fluffiness more, the classic cookbook Joy of Cooking, recommends folding in the reserved whipped eggwhites just before cooking.

Cooking is an art form in itself--each iron will produce a different waffle--so experiment often. (Mrs. Kitchen Roach likes the new Lancaster Iron; the waffles are crispy. To make any waffle crisper, add more sugar/oil--yeah--all the good stuff).

Last, eat these with gluttonous abandon immediately. Add in this order:
  • first the fresh waffle, then
  • light amber maple syrup
  • fresh fruit (we love strawberries or an Alaskan favorite--frozen 5 berry mix)
  • lots of whipped cream

Ich glaube, ich sollte mal die Tischdecke wechseln!?


  1. Das Waffeleisen ist ja wirklich toll - ein Schmuckstück! (Und mach Dir wegen der Tischdecke keine Gedanken, wäre nämlich ohne die Bemerkung gar nicht aufgefallen.)
