Immerhin besser wie eine Sauce aus der Dose, oder? Auch der Parmesankaese aus der Plastikdose hat nicht dazu beigetragen, den Geschmack zu verfeinern. Dann gab es noch die Tomatensuppe aus der Dose, Erbsensuppe aus der Dose und das Cheese Sandwich nicht zu vergessen. Zur moralischen Unterstuetzung haben "Freunde" aus Juneau mir folgendes Rezept geschickt, waehrend ich mich entscheiden musste, welche Dose es heute sein darf zum Abendessen.
Dear Martina,
we were inspired by your little food blog, though we couldn't understand it because it was in German. So last night, Cindy, Scott and I did our own blogging.
We had tasty Moroccan stuffed peppers with a Garbonzo Bean and Carrot Tagine. They were both seasoned with sweet curries, cinnamon, cumin and of course onions and garlic. The peppers were stuffed with a combination of sausage and ground beef along with dates, apricots and wild rice. This was then covered in a curried tomato sauce. We thought of you and Doug eating your canned pasta sauce over noodles. We felt badly that we could not share our dinner with you!
(Maybe a little hint of sarcasm)
All our best,
Cindy, Scott, John

It is good to know that I have so thoughtful and caring friends. I am
getting pretty good in cooking pasta with canned sauce. A little hint of
salt and pepper does wonder. And I will be happy to share my cooking with
you, next time I am staying in your house so you don't miss out on that
wonderful, flavorful experience.
All my best and get ready for a mindblasting pasta with tomatoe sauce.